Friday, August 31, 2007


i am not much of a sleeper. never have been probably never will be. on average i sleep four hours a night. it used to bother me. i would toss and turn all night. stressing about the hour. stressing about the lack of sleep. heck i would even stress about stressing.

when my panic disorder kicked in i consulted with my psychiatrist and tried a variety of prescription sleeping aids. none of them worked. other people i know took them and slept like a log for 8 to 10 hours. me nothing. i might as well of been taking a placebo.

so i have come to accept my insomnia. we have accepted each other and while we are not exactly friends we have managed a truce.

instead of fretting i began to take late night walks.

instead of reading during the day i save my reading for late at night.

instead of watching television in prime time i have a dvr and i watch what i want when i want.

not a perfect way to spend the late night hours but it is much better than waking up tangled in the sheets from to much tossing and turning.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Unless it leaves you feeling wiped out from lack of sleep, I'm not sure it really is a bad thing. Some people just don't need as much sleep... and think of all the things you can get done!