Tuesday, August 28, 2007

once a blogger.....

for close to four years i have been blogging. that is i was blogging until this past january when for many reasons my passion for blogging seemed to fade into the ether of writers block.

a lot has happened this year and for reasons that will no doubt eventually become obvious i chose to retire my previous blog and begin anew. where as my previous blog had my real world name attached this one will remain anonymous. except to maybe old readers who figure out where i used to hang my hat. if you are one of those readers please respect my privacy and do not use my real name in this space.

a while back a someone very close to me told me "you are nothing but trouble and i mean that in the very best of ways." since that time trouble has been my nickname whenever we speak. when searching for a pseudonym to publish under i figured what would be better than trouble since i always seem to find myself in it.

two cents and a pound of trouble will no doubt be all over the map. personal stories with the names changed to protect not only the innocent but most especially the guilty, poetry, basically a potpourri of the written word.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness you're back. You've been missed.